Thursday, July 12, 2012

God Never Looks Back

My favorite movies are romantic comedies. I will pretty much watch anything that has a romantic storyline where guy meets girl and life happens. If I'm totally honest, I read romance novels too. I've read them since I hit puberty. However, I learned what I can handle and what I cannot. So, I only read the Harlequin Inspirational novels now. They have no sex scenes, very little kissing and a whole lot of God talk, which I can appreciate. The one that I'm reading now inspired this blog entry. One of the main characters said 'God never looks back. There is no reverse in God's kingdom'. I'm towards the end of this book and the read was worth that little nugget.

How often do we judge others or ourselves for mistakes that we have made in the past? How often do we make our judgments God's judgments? How very wrong we are for doing so. In Romans, Paul informs us that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. And though it's hard to remember sometimes (alot for me), God told us that his thoughts are not our thoughts, and our ways are not his ways. Personally, I feel like certain things are happening in my life now due to mistakes I've made. That way of thinking is wrong and immature. God doesn't punish us or withhold things from us because we're imperfect. Love keeps no record of wrong, right? As we know from 1John 4 God is love. So, I received revelation from a romance novel today. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. I read the bible and I get great understanding from hearing the preached word. But to see God getting the glory through a medium that is often described as "smut" gives me so much delight.

I will be conscious of my thought processes from here on. I will be mindful to not hold anyone's, including myself, past against them. I vow to see people and LOVE people the way that God does. Revelation brings change. Change builds block at a time. Just remember to keep Jesus as the Chief Cornerstone and your foundation will be solid. Pow3rful in Him, Chris

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Waiting for Godot

My undergraduate degree is in English. Of course, I had to read many works that left me confuzzled (confused and puzzled) - borrowed that from Nicole's niece. Anyway, I digress. Most of them I came to understand after a good class discussion. However, Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot still leaves me scratching my head. Trust me, tonight's blog is not an exegesis on this American literary masterpiece. It's after 10pm and more than 10 years since I read it.

As I sat thinking about my day, I felt like Estragon and Vladimir (play's main characters). Waiting, waiting, waiting for someone or something that never shows. And while I'm waiting, it seems like I'm living the same day over and over again with the same people to entertain me (Pozzo and Lucky) while I'm waiting.  When I feel like this, I plan random road trips to Canada or do something to break up the monotony. So, since the trip is planned, I decided to break the monotony and join a dating site. I know I know...smh. Insanity (doing the same thing again and again expecting a different result). I was on this site in college and they've been sending me emails to join for years. Weekly, I delete them and keep going. Well, tonight I gave in. Now all I can hear is "wait on the Lord, again I say, wait!" Oh boy! Where is that still small voice when I'm in the midst of doing something insane? Oh yeah, smothered under my tantrums of "I want it now!". (Heavy, deep, disgusted sigh)

Like many 30-something single women, I want the family- the loving husband, the 2 kids and the nice house. Honestly, sometimes I do get confused. Should I be waiting until someone notices me or should I be active in the process? I know I must live my life while I'm waiting, but am I just supposed to push that part of my life to the side and just pray something happens or should I actively participate in meeting someone? This is more confuzzling than Beckett himself! (Another deep sigh) Don't mind my stream of consciousness. I know what I must do. I will LIVE. Pow3rful in Him, Chris

Monday, July 9, 2012

I'm baaaack!

My first day back at work and it wasn't so bad seeing as I have been out for a week. I just an email to my models, stylists and photog for the photoshoot in 2 weeks. Now I'm bushed. I have an uneaten Subway salad and a 5.8 oz Edy's mint chocolate chip ice cream calling my name:) I feel slightly guilty for being away so long. But the dog days of summer combined with long lazy days at the beach just didn't spark a blog entry. Oh to live a life of leisure (heavy sigh). Well, back to the real world of meeting with students and advising them on how to finish their degree in the shortest amount of time!

Tonight's blog is an official welcome back from vacation...a splash in the pool of the day to day grind. I love summer and all the different adventures that await. Until tomorrow dear friends...Pow3rful in Him, Chris

Monday, July 2, 2012


It's boggles the mind how time flies. When I was younger, it seemed like time stood still. As I get older, I am learning that time truly waits for no man. I'm sorry it's been a few days since I've posted. My friend Nicole's bridal shower was Saturday, June 30th; and it was pretty busy leading up to that date. Anyway, the event was a success. Who knew how fun a vintage bridal shower could be? Check out my 1950's black and white eyelet dress below from Jones New York. The bride loved everything from the venue to the centerpieces to the surprise appearance of the groom. I love love and I love to see my friends happy in love! Say that 3 times fast:)

With June behind me, I'm preparing for all my July fun. In the words of Will Smith, it's summer summer So, we're going to the beach Wednesday to celebrate the 4th. A large group of us go to the shore and enjoy the fireworks. Even after the festivities we stay another hour or so to wait for the traffic to dwindle. It's always the best time. I know I've said it before but here I go again. I REALLY love my life. I know such great people. My life isn't filled with a bunch of drama and crazy characters. Although, there are many hilarious ones. But laughter does a heart good as medicine, right?

I'm out of the office this week. Another reason to love summer time. I have much to do and I need a break. So, tomorrow I have some errands to run for my out of country excursion at the end of the month. Beyond excited to get away from the US if only for a week. Today was a standard Monday off for me. I pretty much did nothing!  Back on the grind tomorrow. I hope you had a great day. May the Lord continue to bless & watch over you. Pow3rful in Him, Chris

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Genesis 3

I'm freezing! I came home from work today and the house was a little stuffy. So, I turned on the air conditioner just to get some circulation going. Well, I left the house without turning off the air. I returned to a really cold house. So, now I'm bundled under layers of cover longing for the stuffy conditions of this afternoon.

Earlier, I had a lunch date with my "Aunt" Jackie (my mentor); and we had a really good talk about life and the intricacies of female relationships. To write about that would take up all the space on my hard drive. I'll say it was a productive talk and I came away feeling like I had grown closer to the woman that I want to be.

Tonight we had prayer at church. I thoroughly enjoyed it, because after talking to God I feel like I'm going to be okay. Like I'm doing okay in this Christian walk. Too often, we can feel like we don't measure up. Or when we mess up that God is going to banish us to hell rather than forgiving us.  It's strange how we believe some of what the bible says and not all of it. The entire word of God is TRUE. Believe it!

Usually when I pray, I worship first. Then I ask for forgiveness. Then I pray for myself and others (sometimes asking for intangibles: peace, joy; and sometimes for the tangibles: a husband...LOL). Finally, I just listen. Tonight when I listened, I heard God say "why are you hiding?" "where are you?" I sat and I listened to him say he wanted more time with me. Unfortunately, because I'm always on the go, so are my prayers. It's easy to get caught up in getting things done, that we forget to take time out of our day to have a conversation with him. As he did with Adam in Genesis 3, God is looking for me and asking me what is keeping us apart. That's the thing about stillness, you can hear God so clearly. Be still. Maybe he's asking you the same thing. Pow3rful in Him, Chris

Monday, June 25, 2012

Busy Bee

The last 5 days have been hectic but great. Because I have so many vacation days left, I've been taking off Mondays and Fridays for the last two weeks. I can really get used to this! Yesterday, I wore the pleated skirt that I posted a few days ago. See pic below. I received compliments. The colors were bright and fabulous and I love that the colors from the 1980s are back!

I thought I would be able to sleep in today, but my brother had other plans. It was raining outside (we know how I feel about that). I was sound asleep, which is rare being the light sleeper that I am.  And here comes my brother, it never seems to fail... He always finds something for me to do when all I want to do is nothing! lol. So, I drove to north Jersey to pick him up from his car dealership. My intention was to go to NYC today, but when I got back home I went to bed. I didn't get up until 4:30pm. And that was only to go to the mall with my girl Nicole and her sister, Natalie. I was determined not to buy anything. I'm saving for my trip next month. I just know I'm going to find some great fashions.

Now I'm back home and all I feel like doing is reading and going to bed. After all, tomorrow is a work day. I'm looking forward to tomorrow night because we have corporate prayer. I'm cognizant of God most times, but I am working on doing better in my prayer life. Sometimes, it's not about the dialogue, but listening to him. So, here's to listening and obeying. Pow3rful in Him, Chris

Saturday, June 23, 2012

So Full

This was the perfect Saturday. I've been having a lot of those lately. There is really so much to share but its 11:33pm and I'm winding down from a long but glorious day. I will be sure to share all tomorrow. I am so full of joy and thankfulness for good friends and fellowship. To all my peeps that came to the Great Lawn at Central Park to celebrate the life and legacy of Annie George, I salute you and I thank God for your presence in my life. Pow3rful in Him, Chris